딕테이션도 물론 도움이 되기는 하지만, 딕테이션만으로 끝나면 화상영어를 충분히 활용할 수 없다고 생각한다. 화상영어 수업을 복습하면서 이 구간에서 내가 말하고 싶었던 것은 뭐였는지, 선생님이 사용한 표현을 어떻게 바꿀지에 대해 공부해야 다음에 비슷한 대화를 나눌 때 버벅거리지 않고 술술 말할 수 있을 것이다.
* 인사말 정리 (유튜브 라이브 아카데미 참조)
1) 종결형: Hi / Hello / Hey
2) 질문형 (How): How are you? / How are you doing? / How's it going? / How do you do?
> How 질문형은 Fine, Great, Not bad, Excellent, Fantastic 등으로 답변한다.
3) 질문형 (What): What's up? / What's going on? / What's happening?
> What 질문형은 Not so mucn, Not too much, Not a whole lot 등으로 답변한다.
* 문장 다듬기 / 내 문장 만들기
1) I worked. > I was working today / this morning.
2) So you work in the medical field. > I work in the medical field.
3) When did being a translator come into play? > When did it come into play?
4) I had to work overtime. > I had to work overtime by 11:00 p.m. 5 days a week.
* 문장 다듬기 / 내 문장 만들기
1) I was pressured. > I felt a lot of pressure.
2) I should take a break and think about what I should do. > I should take a break and think about what I should do in the future.
3) Why did you go for a translator? > Why did you go for it?
4) Because I can work from home. > Currently I am working from home.
5) Two and a half year. > Two and a half years.
6) It's so hectic. > I have a hectic schedule for the next few days.
7) It was like paperwork. > I dealt with paperworks.
8) I think it is a bit different. > They are both stressful but in different ways.
9) I don't have to get calls from my bosses. > I don't have to answer the phones.
10) I worked as a freelancer for short time. > I've been working as a freelancer for a short time.
* 문장 다듬기 / 내 문장 만들기
1) It's been six month. > It's been six months. *** 주의! month는 th 번데기 발음이고, months는 s 발음이다.
2) I am still getting the balance. > I am still trying to find a balance.
3) What keeps you occupied when you have extra leisure time? 답변 > I binge watch Netflix.
4) I take courses to be prepared. > I take courses in preparation for it.
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